A taste of
our work
"Responding to changing needs and aspirations, we deliver time-fixed projects with partners and residents, often trying new ways of working"
We’ve been working with Bringing people and health research together | Vocal (wearevocal.org) and Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (nihr.ac.uk) researchers on the ‘CancerAndUs’ programme, which is bringing #GreaterManchester communities and researchers together to talk about cancer, prevention and research.
HMHC completed a food poverty review for WCHG making recommendations for a sustainable, healthy food-systems approach for better food security.
Creating a new Gorton Food Hub that provides a shared space and shared vision for tackling causes of food insecurity and ending food poverty. Our new Food Hub is a collaboration with One Manchester and refurbishments supported by Morgan Sindall.
Commissioned by GMMH to support the setting-up of buzz - Manchester's new public health service.
Coproduced conversation creating a community-led health plan and resource map, recognised by NHS England for excellence in public engagement.
We were asked by One Manchester to establish a community food project in Rusholme. It was so successful Jigsaw Homes commissioned for Miles Platting.
We were back working with One Manchester coproducing the Aquarius Community Grocer and we are proud it is now run by Dynamic Support.
A Collective Effect programme collaborating with residents developing new older-people provision in Manchester.
Exported from Detriot, our Rusholme Soup was the birth of One Manchester’s Soup microgranting community food celebrations.
HMHC is a commissioned neighbourhood lead for the Big-Life city-wide healthy living service helping people to find their own happy.
Part of our pandemic response working with GM Mental Health Trust providing food, services and support in one place.
HMHC devised and delivered Community Navigator training exploring power, coproduction and collaboration for inclusive Age-Friendly resident led services.
Part of the Our Manchester programme, supporting neighbourhood groups to grow and prosper.
Part of an amazing consortium creating the new Beacon Centre Clayton, Manchester.
Baked beans and blood pressure checks - reducing health inequalities and food-aid programme.
Healthy Me Healthy Communities CiC
Gorton Central
Gorton Community Centre
Highmead Street
M18 8PE